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Jayler's Shop

Hello everyone, my name is Jay. I am an English teacher and I enjoy sharing my knowledge with my students. I have a degree in English Studies, as well as TEFL and CELTA certifications. I have been teaching for over eight years and have had the opportunity to work in Morocco, China, Turkey, and currently in Vietnam. My educational philosophy is that every student is unique and deserves a stimulating environment where they can grow physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Hello everyone, my name is Jay. I am an English teacher and I enjoy sharing my knowledge with my students. I have a degree in English Studies, as well as TEFL and CELTA certifications. I have been teaching for over eight years and have had the opportunity to work in Morocco, China, Turkey, and currently in Vietnam. My educational philosophy is that every student is unique and deserves a stimulating environment where they can grow physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Zombies VS Humans (SPEAKING GAME)

Zombies VS Humans (SPEAKING GAME)

**ZOMBIES VS HUMANS: A SPEAKING GAME FOR STUDENTS change the atmosphere of your class SPOOKY / ENERGETIC / EDUCATIONAL Introduction: This is a speaking game for students, where they will play the roles of humans and zombies. The game includes two parts. In the first part, humans and zombies will discuss some questions/statements while shaking hands. In the second part, zombies will try to convince humans to cure them and turn them back into humans. Steps to follow: Ask students to close their eyes and pretend to be asleep. Choose 2 or 3 students as zombies by touching them on the shoulder or head. Ask students to wake up and inform them how many zombies are among them. The rest are humans. Show some questions/statements on the board and ask students to discuss them while shaking hands. The discussion should not last more than 1 minute. If a zombie infects a human by squeezing their hand or pressing with a finger, the human becomes a zombie too. After a few rounds, the game can move to the second part.Part One: Zombies vs Humans The game continues until most humans are infected, and the teacher stops it. The teacher checks the number of zombies and humans and writes it on the board. If there are too many zombies, congratulate them on doing a great job. If not, tell the remaining humans that they did a remarkable job of surviving. The game can stop here or continue with a new question/statement. Note: If a human shakes hands with another human, they should keep discussing for a minute and move to the next student. Part Two: Curing Zombies Ask humans to move to one side and zombies to the other. In this part of the game, humans pretend to be scientists/doctors, and zombies will try to convince them to cure them. Zombies must prepare a short talk explaining the good side they had when they were humans and why they deserve a second chance. Humans will listen to all zombies, decide the ones that deserve help, and vote for the ones that will be injected with the serum. Conclusion: This game can be played during Halloween or any time of the year.**


**This lesson uses video aids to explore the history of dogs, helping students practice listening comprehension skills while learning fun facts about their furry friends. **
Present Tense - VERB TO BE

Present Tense - VERB TO BE

**The verb “to be” is often the first verb that students learn in their English studies. Its extensive use in the English language allows students to construct simple sentences with the vocabulary they have learned so far. **


**This lesson aims to introduce and practice the names of different animals, specifically wild and domestic animals. The lesson will utilize various multi-sensory activities and games to help the learners understand and remember the new vocabulary. The class will conclude with the Hot Seat game, which will provide an opportunity for the learners to showcase their newly acquired knowledge. **


**In this clothes lesson plan, students will learn the names of clothes in English and practice speaking about different types of clothes. Students will also play a fun guessing game, and complete a worksheet to review the names of clothes in English. This clothes lesson plan is ideal for kids and beginner English language learners and is complete with all the materials you need. **
Fall -Autumn Lesson

Fall -Autumn Lesson

**In this lesson, primary school students will be introduced to the autumn season, learn new vocabulary, and create an autumn tree to experience the season. **


In this lesson, students will practice using common adjectives to describe objects and make comparisons using comparative adjectives. They will also participate in comparison games.
Welcome  To Class - 1st Lesson

Welcome To Class - 1st Lesson

This is an introductory session and is 40/45 consultation time. Designed to be fun and interactive, students get to know their teachers and learn new information about them and their new classmates. Furthermore, Students will break the ice and prepare for the next class.